pahavit (pahavit) wrote,

de Saisset Museum

de Saisset Museum

On Sunday it was showery and we needed an indoor-but-out-of-the-house activity, so D. and I went to the de Saisset Museum at the University of Santa Clara to see part of their permanent collection and the "Beyond Function: Fiber, Fabric, and Finery" exhibit, which was about to close.

And there's this thing about art museums . . . they don't really allow photography.  So I don't have any pics of the exhibits.  But I do have a few pics of other stuff that aren't from the exhibits.  And here they are.

The museum.

Taking a break in the auditorium, home to the "Figure Forward: Works by Bay Area Figurative Artists" exhibit.

Near the entrance was a bulletin board that asked museum-goers, "What is your definition of art?", with an invitation to share our thoughts.

Tags: art, de saisset, field trip, museum, santa clara

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