pahavit (pahavit) wrote,

San Tomás Aquino Creek Trail

San Tomás Aquino Creek Trail

On Monday D. and I took a short walk along the northern part of the San Tomás Aquino Creek Trail, and before I got too exhausted and had to turn back, I took some pics.

This way to the trailhead.

Pretty flowers along the trail.

San Tomás Aquino Creek is crowded with flowers and vegetation.

Levi Stadium (new home of the 49ers) is behind us.

Planes taking off from nearby San José International Airport roar overhead now and then.

White wild radish, salsify floof, and purple wild radish.

The trail as it climbs up from an underpass.

Another jet roars overhead, making conversation impossible for several seconds.

The creek.

A ground squirrel eyes us warily as we walk along the trail.

Thistle floofs.

Portions of the trail have walls with bas-relief sculptures featuring plants and animals that live along the creek.

Another look at the creek very close to where it enters San Francisco Bay.

A yellow flower glows in the afternoon sun.

Tags: field trip, floof, flower, ground squirrel, plane, san tomas aquino creek trail, santa clara, sign, squirrel, thistle

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