pahavit (pahavit) wrote,

Hayward Bay Trail

Hayward Bay Trail

On Saturday D. and I took a walk along the Bay Trail in Hayward, and I took some pics.

We begin by following a flood control channel toward the Bay.

Due to the on-going drought, the hillside grasses are tinder-dry.

Yellow star thistle.

There are many garden escapees here, including wild artichokes.

Flowers bob in the wind coming off the Bay.

A garden snail estivates in the hot sun.

White pincushion flower and pink pincushion flower.


We can see San Francisco across the Bay.

More yellow flowers.

Looking north along the shoreline.

The Bay Trail.

Tide gates regulate the flow of water into and out of the flood control channel.


Another look at San Francisco Bay.

Piping plovers look for things to eat in the mud.

A Southwest jet comes in overhead for a landing at nearby Oakland International Airport.

Tags: aspersa, bay trail, bird, field trip, flood control, flower, hayward, plane, snail, thistle

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