pahavit (pahavit) wrote,

Sunnyvale Community Center Park

Sunnyvale Community Center Park

On Friday, instead of heading to Black Friday sales, D. and I spent a quiet hour at the Sunnyvale Community Center Park, and I took some pics.

Approaching the plaza, we see "Matrix" by site-sensitive sculptor Dan Dykes, with the fountains of the upper pool beyond.

Up close and personal with Matrix.

Looking over the upper pool to the larger lower pool and its fountain.

Wading is discouraged in the shallow pools.

Some flowers near the pools: schizanthus, and red roses.

The falls that separate the upper pool from the lower pool make a pleasant white noise.

We got here while there was still water to enjoy.

The lower pool's tall fountain catches the late afternoon light.

We are reminded not to feed the ducks, which swim up to us looking for a handout anyway.

The upper pool is dominated by Omaggio a Tempo ("Homage to Time"), a cast stone, cast bronze and marble tribute to aging and the passage of time by Bay Area sculptor/painter Salvatore Pecoraro.

One of several dozen coots in the lower pool.

A view from the other side of the lower pool.

More views of the upper pool and Omaggio A Tempo.

Another look at Matrix on our way out of the park.

It's not quite December yet, and already there are bud getting ready to pop on the magnolias.

Tags: bird, bud, community center, field trip, flower, fountain, pool, rose, sculpture, sign, sunnyvale, waterfall

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