pahavit (pahavit) wrote,

They stole my pumpkin!!

They stole my pumpkin!!

I bought a small pumpkin this morning and put it on the front stoop right next to the door. It was lookin' mighty stylish, in its modest pumpkin-y way. Very festive for the season. 

When D. and I left to take a walk after dinner, the pumpkin was still there, still lookin' mighty stylish, in its modest pumpkin-y way.

When we got back an hour later, it was gone.

Several other stoops in our neighborhood had wonderful big stylish pumpkins adorning them, all untouched. But our little modest stylish pumpkin was gone. 

It was on the stoop for all of 8 hours. 

In previous years I've only bought the little mini pumpkins to put on the table or on top of the TV. But this year, having a real stoop of my own now, I decided to get my first official grown-up, adult pumpkin.

And now it's gone. 

Tags: pumpkin

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