pahavit (pahavit) wrote,

Oyster Point

Oyster Point

After doing an errand in San Francisco on Sunday, D. and I went to nearby Oyster Point in South San Francisco for a stroll on the Bay Trail (it's flat and paved), and I took these pics.

Views from the trail.

Canada goose and gosling swim through Oyster Cove Marina.

A view out into San Francisco Bay.

More goose families out for a swim.

Goslings are adorable.

A Clark's grebe in the bay.

Blackberries are in blossom.

African daisies line a landscaped portion of the trail.

A view of the inlet where Liberty ships used to be manufactured during WW II.  It is now lined with extended-stay hotels and biotech offices.

Tags: bay trail, bird, canada goose, field trip, flower, oyster pt, south san francisco

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