pahavit (pahavit) wrote,

Wavecrest Open Space

Wavecrest Open Space

Here are some pics from a visit to Wavecrest Open Space in Half Moon Bay on Monday.

It's a little too early for most native wildflowers, but there are a few non-natives in bloom now.

Looking south from the top of the bluff.

Beach strawberry is a native plant that is common in sandy coastal habitats, although it usually doesn't bloom until April or May.

Looking north from the bluff, showing the heavily-eroded cliff face (this spot is only a few miles from the notorious Devil's Slide).

Half Moon Bay has a sense of humor.

Afternoon shadows from the rustic wooden fence make an interesting pattern on the trail.

Remnants of autumn persist in the landscape.

Sea fig carpets the edge of the bluff with tough fleshy leaves and magenta and yellow flowers.

Another view of the beach, with the hook of Pillar Point off in the distance.

Tags: beach, field trip, flower, half moon bay, native wildflower, shadow, sign, wavecrest

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