pahavit (pahavit) wrote,

Letterman Digital Arts Center

Letterman Digital Arts Center

Here are some pics from a visit to the Letterman Digital Arts Center in the Presidio of San Francisco on Sunday.

A de Havilland seaplane flies overhead on a sightseeing tour.

A pond in the Center's park is enjoyed by geese and ducks.

A red-tailed hawk swoops over the pond.

One of the roses in the park.

Goose yoga.

The trees around the pond are filled with ripening crabapples.

The dome of the Palace of Fine Arts is visible to the north.

The late afternoon sun puts a sheen on the façades of the buildings.

Tags: bird, canada goose, duck, field trip, flower, letterman digital arts center, mallard, plane, presidio, red-tailed hawk, rose, san francisco

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